John Course & Andy Van celebrate 30 years of music label VICIOUS, Australia’s biggest independent label that knocked Britney Spears back to number 2 with their multi awarding winning hit ‘Don’t Call me Baby’!

This year marks the 30th Anniversary of the founding of the Vicious Label. Originally established in 1992 by friends, producers / DJs Andy Van and John Course, along with Colin Daniels. The label grew and gained global recognition, and helped establish the careers of many local and international artists and groups including The Potbelleez, Madison […]

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Happy 8th Birthday Ms Collins! Still the Hottest Girl in Town!

After weathering the storm Ms Collins Turns 8 this coming August. She’s mysterious, a social chameleon, diverse and has entertained everyone from bankers to boomers. She calls Boy George, Nelly, Kevin Hart, Usain Bolt and Anna Sharapova friends with the house continually evolving to retain her status as ‘the hottest girl in town’. Behind her […]

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Melbourne’s Athenaeum Theatre Presents – ORACLE – A Mythical Journey Through the Stars.

Oracle – A Mythical Journey Through the Stars – Show Review By Jake Freeman. “Since the beginning of time, humankind, gods and goddesses alike, have all looked up to the stars in an attempt to draw meaning from the Universe. In doing so, prophecies, myths, and tales have been told; tales of monsters, mermaids, and […]

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Dolly Parton’s smash hit, 9 TO 5 THE MUSICAL – Now playing at the State Theatre, Arts Centre Melbourne until 18 September.

Dolly Parton’s smash hit musical, 9 TO 5 THE MUSICAL, opened with an A-list crowd including Patti Newton, Lauren and Lola Newton, Jonathan and Kylie Brown, Rob Mills, and Rhonda Burchmore, Matt Preston, and John Foreman to name a few. The Australian premiere kicked off at the State Theatre, Arts Centre Melbourne. A sensation on […]

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Melbourne, meet the cast of the acclaimed Broadway Musical HAIRSPRAY & our Exclusive with Rob Mills who plays the loveable Corny Collins.

Melbourne’s Regent Theatre played host to a special preview and meet and greet the cast of the Melbourne production of HAIRSPRAY! Some of Australia’s favourite performers are brushing off their dancing feet, including the much-loved Shane Jacobson, who will star as beloved housewife Edna Turnblad, alongside the hilarious Todd McKenney as Wilbur Turnblad, Rhonda Burchmore […]

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The Comic’s Lounge presents – My Cousin Vlad ‘People have still lost it’

There was not an empty seat left in The Comic’s Lounge as My Cousin Vlad, in his trademark immaculate business suit and oversized bright orange Oakley sunglasses bounced onto the stage to a highly energised and diverse audience, ranging from millennials to baby boomers.Due to high demand, his second national tour, People Have Still Lost […]

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Treat yourself today on World Chocolate Day! Koko Black and Black Star Pastry bow down to mother nature with Theobroma to bring Food of the Gods.

Contemporary Australian artisan chocolatier Koko Black and home of the world’s most Instagrammed cake Black Star Pastry have partnered to launch Theobroma: Food of the Gods: a limited-edition, multi-layered cake inspired by the origins of the cocoa fruit to celebrate World Chocolate Day on Thursday 7 July, exclusively available at Koko Black and Black Star […]

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SIX sassy energetic Queens take Melbourne’s Comedy Theatre by Storm! SIX the Musical on until 21 August!

Henry V111 King of England, six wives are taking Melbourne’s Comedy Theatre by storm and have reshaped the story as we know it. Beheaded, Divorced, and Catherine Parr who outlived Henry bring the stage alive with an incredible all-female cast and band. ‘A witty, pop-fuelled musical packed full of sass, SIX remixes the history of […]

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Chadstone the major sponsor of the NGV Winter Masterpieces invites you to come and experience a rich calendar of creative workshops.

NGV X CHADSTONE In celebration with the NGV Melbourne Winter Masterpieces 2022: The Picasso Century is now on at the NGV. Chadstone The Fashion Capital is proud to be the major sponsor for this Picasso in a NEW light world premiere exhibition. Chadstone invites you to all come and experience the NGV at the Fashion […]

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