By Erin Constable
Founder of Face by Alex Pike and Inside Out Beauty, Alex Pike spoke to Melbourne My Style about all the latest beauty trends.
She also spilled her best advice if you are looking to try one. And, with over 18 years of experience, it is worth listening to.

What are the current trending procedures?
There are a lot of emerging technologies and procedures about to hit Australian markets.
Alex said a new wrinkle eraser and cellulite treatments are some of the new treatments to look out for.
“There is a new neuromodulator aka ‘wrinkle eraser’ arriving on our shores soon.”
“The toxin is differentiated with peptide and protein technology which helps the injection last longer so that the muscles injected stay relaxed for a longer period of time,” she said.
Alex is also seeing more novel treatments for cellulite, especially on the buttocks and back of the thighs.
But new and more effective cellulite treatments are coming shortly.
“Cellulite affects up to 90% of women and historically there have not been good options to treat this condition.”
“One of the reasons I’ve been travelling to the United States recently is to learn from a global expert on this topic and new treatments that we hope to have here in Australia in the near future,” said Alex.

Where are we seeing these trends?
Alex said consumer and patient demand is really driving these trends.
“I’m finding that my patients are incredibly up-to-date and educated on what it is that they are hoping to have treated.”
“They are using global social media platforms to ask questions of experts that they have access to through these media channels,” said Alex.
This is forcing clinicians like Alex to be constantly keeping up to date on the newest technologies and procedures.
Where can people find out more about these trends?
One of the easiest ways to find out more information is by following credible clinicians on social media, said Alex.
“The key is to ensure that who you’re following is in fact, a good clinician, and in good standing with their licensing agency.”
Alex’s own Instagram profile is a great place to start, you’ll hopefully even see her podcast announcement soon.
“I have been on a quest to interview some of the brightest minds in aesthetic plastic surgery.”
“My podcast series is nearly complete which hopefully will afford individuals in the public the opportunity to hear about these trends in a format that they already are accustomed to,” said Alex.

What’s your best advice for getting the procedures?
“My advice is to always seek the most experienced and credible clinician to perform your treatment.”
Alex said picking the right clinician can help avoid problems and expenses later on.
“A dear friend of mine and renowned plastic surgeon in New York City said it best, ‘It’s expensive to be cheap.’ What he meant was that taking a shortcut for cost savings often leads to complications which are much more expensive to fix.”
“Basically, go to someone who shares your aesthetic goals, and never go to someone who can’t fix a problem that they could create.”