Let me introduce you if you don’t already know to Melbourne’s Adam Samuel, Breakfast radio host, podcaster, producer, emcee, and comedian.
Adam first officially began broadcasting at the beginning of 2013. He spent the most part of his 20’s living abroad in Paris and then the USA. Adam began his career in International marketing but knew his passion was to move into media.
Adam says, “I would be the nerdy kid at school that would help run the projector or take the video camera and put together small movies. I even tried my hand at being a DJ a few times for some RSL clubs and smaller pubs when I was living in Sydney. When I came back from overseas, I was 27 years old and thought “it’s now or never!”

How and where did it begin your career into Radio Broadcasting begin?
Adam says, “I found an online course at JOY 94.9, Australia’s only LGBT radio station. At the time I was half in and half out of the closet, so it was my first introduction to the gay community and radio. Talk about tackling two issues at once! During my course, I was paired up with a sports show as their producer/panelist. We ended up winning a sports broadcasting award. From there I started daytime announcing and within a year had a breakfast radio show with my beautiful co-host Ginni. I also became one of the station’s Voice Over artists, outdoor broadcasters and newsreaders. I also became a festival and event MC and got featured in a few TV movies such as ‘Molly’ and ‘Underbelly – Chopper’ and worked alongside Twilight’s Xavier Samuel (no relation) in the feature film “Death and Life of Otto Bloom”. I was trying to involve myself with as much as I could to find out where I belong.”

Which radio stations & shows have you worked with?
Adam says, “I’ve had the pleasure of working on different shows over the past few years, including a guest producer on KIIS 101.1’s Matt & Jane for a few weeks. I also produced a news & current affairs program on JOY 94.9 called “In the Spotlight”, a Q&A themed show. I’ve co-produced a broadcast over six days at AIDS 2014, worked with great talents at 3AW and now settling into breakfast radio at Southern FM 88.3 with my co-host Sebastian Gelber.”

Who has been your favourite guest to interview and why?
Adam says, “my all-time favourite guest is Paula Abdul. She was so lovely to chat with and gave us so much of her time. Literally like talking to my mum (they’re the same age). Beautiful on the inside and out. Best guest ever!”
Who comes up with the play list is that up to you or the producer?
Adam says, “on Southern FM 88.3, Sebastian and I come up with the music choices because we know what people like to listen to. Well, we know what we like to listen to. Everyone else must suffer and sing-along with us!”
Who’s your favourite artist of all time and why?
Adam says, “Vincent Van Gogh. What he could accomplish with the hearing issues he had, amazing! Oh sorry, you mean music. Jamiroquai. I’ve been in love with his music since a teenager.”

You’re also a comedian, do you incorporate this into any of your radio work?
Adam says, “this is a question that I’m often asked, and the truth is only if I can. My comedy is situational, and I enjoy bouncing off my co-host. One thing I learnt early on is that you can’t force comedy into radio. Be genuine and if the moment arises, strike while it’s hot and be cheeky as possible, or until someone complains.”
Tell us about being a comedian. How hard is it to make sure you get a laugh?
Adam says, “another tough question and I’ve dealt with tough crowds. I performed my very first Melbourne International Comedy Festival in 2018 and some nights I had the laughs and other nights the guests weren’t drunk enough. My brand of comedy is storytelling, so I enjoy recounting stories of weird stuff that has happened to me or my relatives. Like the time my brother fell into a pond that was covered in lily pads because he thought it was that green concrete stuff. Literally a scene out of Monty Python where he just walked into the lake. Now that’s funny!”

We could all do with a laugh now, tell me one of your favourite lines.
Adam says, “OMG so many to choose from. I can’t give any away. You’ll just have to follow me on Facebook and Instagram to see what I can find on the internet or my brain spews out – ha!”
When not on radio you work with the charity ‘My Cause’ tell me a little about this and what this can do for those in need?
Adam says, “mycause is an online fundraising platform that allows people and charities to raise money for causes they care about. My role is to look after their Marketing and PR so I’m constantly combining my love of media to help get as many campaigns into the public and help everyday Aussies and charities raise much-needed funds for the personal and charitable campaigns.”
“When I’m not working, I’m usually out for brunch, grabbing a coffee, at the gym or dancing around the apartment to “I’m Every Woman”.
Adam is much loved around Melbourne and not just for his presence on radio. He’s hard-working, to say the least, having multiple jobs on the go in any one week. His values, work ethic and ability to make people laugh have given him the foundation for as easy rapport and love from everyone who meets him.
Catch, Adam and his co-host Seb on air every Wednesday morning from 6 am 88.3 SOUTHERN FM!
Instagram @theadamsamuel
Written by Melinda Sullivan