You may have heard the term “medium” or may have even engaged with one! So, what is a medium for those of you who don’t know? A medium is a person who has the ability and powers to connect with those who have passed into the spiritual world. Mediums obtain information from the spirit world; some messages can appear as an image or words that are then relayed to the living person who has engaged with the medium for connectivity into the spirit.
Let me introduce to you Melbourne’s very own medium David. David could change your life with the ability to connect with the passing of someone you have loved and lost. When David tunes into the spiritual world it gives a feeling of solace knowing that although the physical presence of that person has gone, a new spiritual connection is present.
Not only can we still communicate through the channels of a medium as in David, but we have the comfort of knowing that we will once meet again in the afterlife.

When did you realise that you had the ability to consciously connect with the spiritual world?
David says, “I was a bit of a spiritual ‘late-bloomer’. It wasn’t until another medium that I went to see told me when I was 24 years old, I had the ability to do it myself. At first, I didn’t really believe it because at the time I was such a stubborn natural skeptic with everything but I was still really curious and I ended up joining her workshop that she used to do at her house in Berwick on a Wednesday night! As soon as I started opening up in the workshop it came to me naturally and it just grew and expanded from there! In hindsight, as a child and teenager I would say I always had an extremely in tune ‘gut feeling’ with things and I would always instinctively know the outcomes to events occurring in my life and with my family and friends – I always gave really good advice too! – but I never heard of felt Spirits as such.”

Is there anything spiritual that you don’t believe in?
David says, “I’m such a ‘seeing is believing’ kind of person. I’ve always tried to keep an open mind on everything but I’m still a natural skeptic until I see it for myself! I believe that people with special spiritual abilities can connect in unique ways; whether through cards, coffee cups, art or just crazy ones like me that see, hear and feel! I wasn’t raised to be religious though, so I don’t really believe in a heaven and hell – well not the versions we are taught by society and religious groups.”
Are you able to predict the future? Do you think it’s wise to know the future or to wait and see!
David says, “as a psychic a lot of my readings do involve predictions on future pathways. Many of my clients will be able to attest to the unique and extremely specific things that I have predicted that are always crazy yet still come to fruition. A spirit will rarely give information or allude to anything in the future if it would change how we would think about it or act upon it in the present. Life is for living. I think we all have moments where we wished we knew what was coming next or just around the corner, but then it takes away from what we are currently learning and what life is teaching us, allowing us to expand and evolve in the present so I think it’s best to wait and see and be content and *present* in the present.”

What are the types of questions your clients ask you and want to know about?
David says, “literally everything and anything you can think of! The most common ones I think are the things that we all wonder and seek guidance on – love/relationships (first one that came into my head – probably an insight to my current thoughts lol), work, finance, family and health… but everyone is different and unique in their own ways still. Some people get *really* personal like wanting to seek guidance on their sex life or drug/alcohol addictions and others love getting very philosophical and want to focus on the afterlife and spiritual thoughts. I always say though not only am I a psychic medium but I’m also a grief counsellor, therapist, doctor, career advisor, teacher and most importantly a confidant and friend.”
What are your predictions for the remainder of 2020 with regards to Covid 19?
David says, “gosh where do I even begin! Focusing on Australia I still predict that elements of the lockdown will ease around mid-May and things start feeling a lot more ‘normal’ from June onwards, the virus and social distancing will still be present for the whole of 2020 one way or another. Australia is in a very fortunate position though as I always predicted we would never be as bad as Europe or the United States for example. It’ll also be a widely held understanding or even proven fact that this virus originated in a Chinese virology laboratory. It did not begin in a wet market or via animal to human transmission! COVID19 is allowing for a mass awakening and will usher in a new era of quite drastic economic and social change – especially in Europe. It’s the nail in the coffin for the European Union experiment.”

What the most phenomenal spiritual prediction you’ve experienced?
David says, “what I predicted regarding COVID19 is all coming true which is crazy! I was really one of the first psychic mediums to start discussing it at length. From mid-January onwards, a lot of my readings in 2019 spiritually were constantly discussing the huge change period that would begin right at the beginning of 2020. Besides that, I’ve warned a client of mine to ‘not worry about guns in New Zealand you’ll be safe’ and she arrived in Christchurch on the morning of the mosque terror attack and Spirit also warned a lady not to worry about car crashes because they would look after her family and make sure everything was okay and 4 days later her husband was pinned against a fence by a car rolling down a hill and the fence miraculously broke right behind him allowing to fall backward and avoid certain serious injury or perhaps even death! Those two always stand out in my mind but I’m very fortunate that there’s been so many phenomenal predictions spirit have given!”
Instagram @davidthemedium
Written by Melinda Sullivan