Angels with Wings – Couture Runway proudly Sponsored by Melbourne City Lexus

Angels with Wings Couture Runway presented this Thursday evening at Peninsula Docklands will showcase beauty in diversity like no other.

We are so excited to have the very beautiful KELLY CARTWRIGHT World Champion Paralympian Gold Medalist closing the show. Major Sponsor @citylexus

Kelly was diagnosed at the age of 15 with an extremely rare and challenging cancer, her leg was amputated to give her the best chance of survival.

Kelly has not only survived but has shown the world that determination, courage and resilience like no other can and will empower you to be everything you can be and more, no matter the challenge.

Kelly represents all that Angels with Wings stands for and is the perfect person to partner with the charity Mercy Ships Australia that provide world class health care including life saving surgeries to those where medical care is non existent.


